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Tools for the Web Service Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL)


Choreography Extension for BPEL

BPEL4Chor offers means to describe choreographies using WS-BPEL 2.0. BPEL4Chor uses the idea of plug-links of WSFL and adds the explicit modelling of participant sets and participant references.

Modeling BPEL4Chor

We developed a web-based editor for BPEL4Chor choreographies using the Oryx-Framework developed by the Hasso-Plattner-Institute.

The editor is currently not running.

Verification of BPEL4Chor

BPEL4Chor can be analysed using BPEL2oWFN developed by Dr. Niels Lohmann.


BPEL4Chor Foundations

BPEL4Chor Verification

BPEL4Chor and Advanced Transaction Concepts

BPEL4Chor and BPMN

BPEL4Chor and EPCs

Application of BPEL4Chor

BPEL4Chor Variants

A variant of BPEL4Chor supporting the interaction choreography modelling approach has been presented in the following paper:

Further Reading

A general overview on the different choreography modelling concepts is presented in the following paper:


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for further information and the author’s copies of the publications listed above.

Oliver Kopp and Niels Lohmann were partially funded by the Tools4BPEL-Project, which is in turn funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Reserach. The core concepts of BPEL4Chor are part of Tools4BPEL.
